Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Prompt: “Wordless Wednesday” – Share a picture or video on your blog!  What are the most important things for your diabetes management?
Current Blood Sugar: 201....this makes me feel....ughhh....that's the best word for I will spend the rest of the afternoon correcting with insulin to get it back into range....ughhh....

Well it's hard to be totally wordless since a few of you may not know what these pictures are I will put some captions :-)  The prompt says name 3 things, but I showed pictures of a few more. 

Testing my bloodsugar 8-10 times a day

 Warhol version of my pump sites :-)


My pump and me chilling on the couch watching tv....we are best friends :-)

Random supplies I carry on a daily basis

My hubby...not to mention all of my animals, family and friends who offer love and support too!


  1. i just wanted to say thank you for sharing with us- its so hard to ask or not to ask or to know what to say or not to say. when you put it out there it takes the questions off the table. and puts the information right where folks need it. so really, thanks!

  2. I didn't realize how much was actully involved in having diabetes. What you have to carry or how many times you have to check your blood sugar.

  3. My "wordless Wednesday" post wasn't wordless either - LOL Love your pictures!
