Friday, May 14, 2010

Mary, Mary quite contrary...

How does your garden grow?

Here are some pictures of our garden.  So far, so good.  Things seem to be growing well and off to a great start.  The big question is whether or not we will make it to harvest!

Corner bed with dill and sage

Bush beans in rows, pole beans along back fence, pickiling cukes along side fence

9 tomato plants, 8 bell peppers, cantaloupe and watermelon along back fence

What's left of our lettuce crop, hot peppers in the grow bags (cayenne, ancho, jalepeno, Thai Chili, Carribean Red)

Pickling Cukes
Front of garden

(can't really see them in this picture but along the right side, outside the garden there are blackberry bushes)
Cherry tomatoes, salad cukes, and more hot peppers on the porch
Also have a herb garden in pots along the side patio!

Kyra and the big chickens

"Little" girls are not so little anymore!

So, now that you've seen mine....I wanna hear what you have growing in your garden, whether it is 2 acres or one pot! 

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks so good! I love the fence. I'm growing potatoes,tomatoes, corn,squash,beans,onions,peas,lettuce,peppers, beats,turnips. I wished I had more room. When we move into our new house, I'll have a LOT more room. Watch out garden. lol
