Friday, February 19, 2010


We finally have some green around our house!  We started hot pepper seeds mid-January and lettuce seeds late January.  The peppers are coming along nicely and the lettuce seedlings are ready to go outside as soon as it gets a tad warmer.  I have committed myself to wait until March 1st to put the lettuce in the container garden.  As much as I want to put them outside now, I know that my luck we will have some hard freezes before they get hardy and my poor lettuce seedlings will kill over.  So here's to patience!  I can't help but want to hurry Spring along with a gentle hand and boot those seedlings outside to get growing...but patience I can muster up, and patience I will have!  Here are some pics of our seedlings.  Hooray for green!

 Lettuce seedlings growing in egg shells!  Knew those chickens were good for more than just eating the eggs!

Pepper seedlings 

 Happy Hot Peppers!

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