Monday, September 26, 2011

Awesome Fabric Finds

Over the past few weeks I have made a few trips to the Scrap Exchange.  An awesome place to get used and scrap materials for all kinds of projects!  I love getting fabric and sewing notions there, it is a great way to reuse items that others might throw away and I usually can find some awesome fabric.

This past week we kept our nephews for a couple of days.  The oldest wanted to learn to sew (yay!) and this gave me a perfect excuse to make a trip over to the Scrap Exchange.  They both found some really cool items to use in various projects and I found some great fabric!  Check out these awesome finds!
 I love this fabric!  This is about 5 yards of cotton fabric for $11!

 Some really neat upholstery weight fabric (about 1/2 yard-1 yard each) for $0.75 a piece!  I was thinking these would make some neat heavy duty little bags!

 Don't you just love this mushroom fabric?  There is about 1.5 yards.  It is a lovely pale green.

 I am not usually a fan of pink, but I thought this pink and green olive print fabric was just too cute!

 Oh, and I think this fabric speaks for itself!  Blue and brown...circles...yum!

 And my new obession with all things corduroy ...this lovely bright blue and yellow!  I think I see some more corduroy purses in my future!

 These are small swatches of fabric from a display...but I just couldn't pass up these interesting patterns.  They were only $0.25 a piece and I thought it would make a great little coin purse!  The blue one reminds me of a bee!

And a fat quarter of this yellow stripes and orange flowers pattern! 

Here's to being thrifty!  Now I guess it's time to stop accumulating fabric and actually do something with it!  I just have to figure out what I should do.....any suggestions?

Friday, September 23, 2011


I am experimenting with some new blog templates.  I had grown pretty weary of my other weary as one gets over blog templates!  Anyway I thought I would try a few new things.  You may notices some changes here and there and maybe some day I will settle on what I like! 

Meanwhile it has been rainy and muggy here for a few days.  The rain is nice, we needed it...but I am ready for cool Fall days without rain! 

Today to beat the rainy day blues I am working on a few sewing projects!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday...

Get them hooked while they are young and they will come back for more....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

All's quiet on the front

It's awfully quiet around here isn't it?  Sorry I haven't updated much lately.  My life has not been quiet by any means, but I haven't had much to blog about lately.  I have sewn a few more bags and made a few really awesome skirts that I am quite proud of (hoping to get pictures up soon!).  I have about 10 sewing projects in my mental queue and I keep getting distracted by more fun ideas!  I have finally been able to pack up the canner for the most part and my kitchen is no longer a steaming mess of boiling water, jars and vegetable parts! 

Hubby and I don't plant much of a Fall garden, just a few collards, maybe some spinach, and this year we will be planting some more garlic.  I usually focus on landscaping our yard in the Fall.  But the end of this Summer has left me not so motivated to plant shrubs and the complete overhaul of one of our car's transmission and the other's engine has left both Hubby and our bank account a little drained.  So this year we are sticking to some basics.  I just purchased a few more blueberry bushes to put in this weekend and hoping to get a few grape vines too.  Otherwise, this Fall we are focusing on cleaning out some of the scrub plants from the woods and cutting down some very large, rotting and too close to the house trees. 

On the diabetes front I am happy to say that things have calmed considerably.  Remember this post?  I was at my wits end.  Yes, I still have the whole Celiac thing to deal with and the food allergies, but that is much easier to handle now that my bloodsugars are finally back in range.  For six months I was fighting an uphill battle with my blood sugars.  Constant high numbers that were virtually unresponsive to insulin.  Because I had been so sick dealing with the food allergy issues I figured the numbers were a result of that.  But 4 weeks after resolving the food issues and not getting sick anymore,  I realized the highs had nothing to do with food. I was ready to throw in the gloves, I was tired of fighting unexplained highs.

Then I had a realization.  I had started at the beginning of this year and I had began to suspect it was the culprit, so I stopped the medication.  Twenty four house after stopping said medication, my blood sugars leveled out and 3 weeks later I am still holding strong with perfect blood sugars.  It is amazing what our bodies can tell us and even how someone as aware as myself can often ignore the signs.  Had I paid closer attention I might have been able to stop the medication earlier and avoided months of struggling and burnout.  I have to say I will never again take this medication and likely not take any of similar affect.  I am just glad to be back to my kind of normal. 

Now that the weather is cooler and I am feeling much better, I can focus on what to do next....of course my list of projects is longer than the Nile...where ever shall I start?